
La Haute Société: how they double their sales with Furious

Digitalization has transformed the business landscape, and for companies in the digital sector, having the right tools is essential for ensuring healthy growth. Jérôme Balmain, Operations Director at La Haute Société, shares how the Furious management tool has been a major catalyst in their success.

Could you introduce yourself, Jérôme?

I’m Jérôme Balmain, co-founder of La Haute Société, which was established about 18 years ago with my partner, Christophe Bernard. Currently, I serve as the Operations Director. Before that, I was the Production Director.

What is La Haute Société about?

La Haute Société is a digital sector company with about fifty employees, specializing in communication. We’ve completed several notable projects, including with Société Générale, Adidas, and SFR. Although based in Grenoble, we’ve have major clients that are not necessarily nearby.

What are your major challenges at La Haute Société?

The main challenge is maintaining an optimal level of quality for the products delivered to clients. We also strive to ensure reliability in terms of quality and delivery timelines.

Since when have you been using Furious at the agency?

We started using Furious in the summer of 2019. We were introduced to the tool by another agency, Native Communication, based in Lyon.

Has Furious saved you time?

Yes, Furious has made it easier for employees to work and increased productivity. The tool has allowed the company to accomplish more with the same team.

Has Furious changed your daily routine?

Yes, with Furious, information is now centralized and shared among all team members. This has improved schedule management and decentralized roles.

Information used to be centralized with one person, and not everyone had visibility. Today, we can see the schedules of all employees without distinction — there’s no need to ask for information, as it is shared.

Leave requests are better managed — having all schedules consolidated in one global production management request, with requests and pending leave approvals directly visible, saves a tremendous amount of time.

Having a tool that spans the entire value chain — from the initial centralization (from quote creation during pre-sales) to production and delivery — allows us to be more coherent and better control our processes.

How has growth with the tool been?

In 2019, we had a revenue of €2.6 million. Today, we’ve surpassed €5 million. This growth has been made possible with the support of Furious.

Why did you choose Furious?

We were looking for a user-centric tool that fits our industry needs. Furious, being a tool developed by an agency for agencies, perfectly met our requirements, which piqued our interest. In the end, we chose to fully adapt to the tool and integrate it completely into our processes.

Your killing feature you can't live without?

One of the main features we appreciate is the management of shared schedules. This has improved coordination among project managers and facilitated resource management.

Any wishes for the future?

We wish to use Furious in an even more central role and integrate more features. With all the new functionalities being added, we aim to fully incorporate them into our growth strategy. The goal is to enhance work quality and increase productivity.

To conclude, what is Furious to you?

Furious is a central tool that facilitates communication and collaboration within the company. It is not seen as a means of surveillance, but as a support for all team members.

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