
How to build your agency’s growth and include processes – Conceptory

Growing an agency requires rigorous management and well-defined processes. Michael Illouz, CEO of Conceptory, an advertising agency specializing in social media and brand content, shares with us how the Furious platform has been a major asset in their development.

Could you introduce yourself, Michael?

My name is Michael Illouz and I run Conceptory, an advertising agency specializing in social media and brand content. We’re a team of around twenty people, and we also bring in project-mode collaborators as the need arises.

Tell us about your agency

Conceptory is an agency that supports brands in their communications strategy, whether on an annual or ad hoc basis. We work on social networks, advertising campaigns (TV, radio, press, posters, digital) and brand activation operations. The name ‘Conceptory’ is a fusion of the words ‘concepts’ and ‘story’, reflecting our approach to finding innovative concepts to tell brands’ stories in a holistic way.

What are your main challenges?

Historically, we’ve been very consumer-oriented. Recently, however, we’ve seen a shift towards B2B, with almost half of our customers coming from the corporate and institutional sector. The main challenges we face concern employer branding, advocacy and CSR initiatives.

How long have you been using Furious?

We’ve been using Furious for about two years. There was an initial integration phase where, despite our determination, we had to invest time to master the tool. But this initial investment saved us a lot of time later on.

How much time does Furious save you?

Using Furious has enabled us to improve our project management, increase our profitability and better anticipate our customers’ needs. We can now present statistics and metrics directly from Furious, which strengthens our credibility with our customers.

How does Furious help your profitability?

With Furious, we have better visibility of the financial health of our projects. We use what we call ‘customer weather’ to assess the status of each project. If a project is ‘green’, it means all is well. If it’s ‘orange’ or ‘red’, it indicates potential problems that we need to address quickly.

How does Furious help you project?

Furious helps us to have a clear vision of our business opportunities. For example, when we go out to tender, we can estimate our chances of success based on the number of agencies in the running. What’s more, the tool enables us to track our opportunities and better anticipate future revenues.

Any wishes for the future?

Nous sommes en communication constante avec l’équipe de Furious pour leur fournir des retours et des suggestions d’amélioration. Ils sont très réactifs et prennent en compte nos feedbacks pour améliorer continuellement l’outil. Nous sommes impatients de voir les prochaines évolutions de Furious.

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