
How do you choose a good sales CRM?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a crucial strategy for companies seeking to build a lasting relationship with their customers. In a world where responsiveness and efficiency are key, using a CRM not only allows for a deep understanding of customers’ needs and expectations but also enables quick action to meet them.

Whether generating a quote, reviewing the latest customer interaction, or tracking an invoice until payment, a CRM offers effective organization and commercial action. With applications like Furious, the sales force becomes more agile and can move forward by using real-time data to propose tailored solutions. These tools are not just for the sales force to manage sales history or daily commercial activities; they are also a powerful engine for commercial teams aiming to optimize targeting and improve conversion rates.

With new cloud-based CRMs like Furious, the focus is on efficiency without compromising on security or functionality. Choosing a CRM should take into account specific business needs and be able to easily integrate with the rest of the technological ecosystem. Whether for a commercial follow-up, setting up a product or service catalog, or managing a sales pipeline, a cloud-based CRM solution is indispensable today.

In this digital age, where every interaction must count and every action must lead to a positive reaction, the latest version of an effective CRM is more than just a tool; it is an extension of the company itself, a partner for success on the ground and online.

What is commercial CRM?

Commercial CRM, a subcategory of CRM, focuses on interactions between a company and its customers, particularly emphasizing sales. It is a valuable tool that helps sales teams manage their daily activities, track the evolution of leads and opportunities, improve communication with customers, and ultimately increase sales.

team crm

The digital transformation of customer management: what role for CRM?

In a constantly evolving world, digital transformation has reshaped companies’ approach to customer management. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is at the heart of this revolution, offering a unified platform for a 360-degree view of the customer. This digital pivot has propelled CRM beyond a simple application, making it an indispensable tool for any company wishing to thrive.

Definition and evolution of CRM in modern commerce

CRM, beyond being software, has become a client-oriented commercial strategy essential for businesses of all sizes. It adapts to new market realities by integrating automated marketing, customer service, and sales management functions.

Comparison of features: CRM of yesterday vs. CRM of today

Yesterday’s CRM was often a simple contact tracking tool. Today, it has become a comprehensive solution for commercial management and customer loyalty.

By following these advancements, businesses can now manage their commercial activities with more precision, perspective, and efficiency, resulting in better customer satisfaction and increased sales.

Why do you need a commercial CRM?

The role of a commercial CRM is not limited to simple customer information management. It also provides a complete view of all customer interactions, allowing sales teams to make informed decisions.

Moreover, it automates a large part of daily tasks, enabling sales representatives to focus on what they do best: selling. In short, a commercial CRM improves the efficiency of sales teams and helps increase company profits.

6 Reasons why it is a key asset for your business:

Improved customer relationship management

A CRM centralizes all customer information, including contact details, purchase history, preferences, and interactions with your company. This allows your team to quickly understand the context of each customer and personalize interactions, enhancing the customer experience and strengthening relationships.

Data analysis

With a CRM, you can analyze sales trends, customer behavior, product performance, and more. These analyses can help guide your marketing and sales efforts, identify growth opportunities, and detect problems before they become critical. Furious offers a powerful data analysis tool that gives you valuable insights into your sales pipeline. You can easily track the evolution of leads and opportunities and make informed decisions to improve your sales performance.


Productivity improvement

A CRM, such as Furious, can automate many repetitive tasks, such as sending follow-up emails, scheduling appointments, or updating customer information. This means your team can spend less time on administrative tasks and more time on selling and customer follow-up. Furious is also available on mobile, allowing your team to access crucial information and work efficiently even on the go.

Enhanced collaboration

With all customer information and interactions in one place, different departments of your company (sales, marketing, production, etc.) can work together more harmoniously. This helps ensure that everyone has a complete and up-to-date view of each customer, avoiding misunderstandings or duplicated efforts. With its user-friendly interface, Furious allows you to easily share information, schedule meetings, and keep track of all interactions with your customers.

More accurate forecasting

A good CRM will offer reporting and forecasting tools that use your data to predict future sales, market trends, and more. With Furious, for example, you can plan your projects in advance, anticipate schedules and equipment, set realistic sales goals, and measure your performance against your objectives.

Marketing campaign management

CRMs can help you target and personalize your marketing efforts. For example, you can use CRM information to segment your customers into groups based on behavior, preferences, or previous purchases and then create personalized marketing campaigns for each segment. This can increase the effectiveness of your campaigns and improve your return on investment. With its APIs, Furious easily integrates with other tools, allowing you to consolidate all your data in one place. No more juggling different platforms to get the information you need.

In short, a CRM is a powerful tool that can help your business manage and improve customer relationships, increase productivity, enhance interdepartmental collaboration, make more accurate forecasts, and optimize marketing efforts.


Explore Furious commercial CRM

Selecting a commercial CRM is a strategic decision that must align with your company’s specific goals and internal operations. Identifying the most suitable CRM requires a thorough consideration of various essential criteria.

Analysis of specific needs: company size and industry

Every business has unique characteristics that should influence the CRM choice.

Overview of free and paid CRMs: balancing cost and value

There is a wide range of CRMs, from free versions to high-end paid solutions.

Innovative CRM tools for effective prospecting strategies

To remain competitive, it is crucial to adopt CRM tools that optimize and innovate your prospecting strategy.

Exploring CRMs dedicated to prospecting: automation and customization

Prospecting can be greatly enhanced with specialized CRMs.

By choosing a CRM that aligns with your prospecting methods, you can ensure a more targeted, efficient and cost-effective approach to converting prospects into loyal customers.


Case study: winning practices with modern CRM tools

The Furious platform revolutionized the management of Conceptory, a dynamic agency specializing in social media and brand content. Michael Illouz, the CEO, reveals the tangible benefits of integrating an evolving agency management system.

Future prospects and development

Michael Illouz emphasizes the importance of Furious’ ongoing evolution, demonstrating the proactive relationship between the agency and the CRM provider.

This testimonial perfectly illustrates the impact of a CRM like Furious, capable of transforming working methods and stimulating business growth by focusing on efficiency, profitability and better customer relationship management.

The role of personalization in CRM: how to retain customers?

In today’s commercial landscape, personalization has become a key driver of customer loyalty. Modern CRM systems play a crucial role by enabling a personalized approach that meets each customer’s unique expectations.

Strategies for effective customer personalization via CRM

For effective personalization that fosters loyalty, adopt proven strategies:

Measuring the impact of personalization on loyalty and ROI

Evaluating the impact of personalization on loyalty and ROI is essential to adjust and optimize your strategies:

A CRM that integrates personalization at its core not only enhances the customer experience but also builds a sustainable and profitable relationship for the business.

Discover Furious's commercial CRM

Furious integrates a comprehensive and innovative CRM module to help you optimize your sales processes.

Here are the additional benefits of Furious:


Training and Support

We offer comprehensive training and responsive customer support. Whether you need help configuring your system or have questions about a specific feature, the Furious Squad is always ready to assist you.


One of Furious’s main advantages is its ability to be customized to your specific needs. Whether you want to add custom fields, modify the user interface, or integrate other tools, our tool provides the flexibility needed to adapt the system to your requirements.

All-in-one platform

Last but not least, you have everything you need to manage your sales process in one place. From contact management to task automation, data analysis and performance monitoring, Furious offers you a complete platform for all your sales CRM activities, but also well beyond with the other modules of the Furious ERP suite: Project & Team Management, Finance, HR, Asset Capitalization, etc.

The importance of a commercial CRM cannot be underestimated. It plays a crucial role in effective customer relationship management, helping you to stay organized, improve communication, manage leads and opportunities, and analyze data to improve sales performance. What’s more, a sales CRM allows you to automate many of the repetitive tasks, so you can concentrate on what’s important: selling.

A CRM like Furious can make a huge difference to your company’s success. By providing a complete view of all customer interactions, Furious enables you to understand exactly what your customers need, and how you can meet those needs. What’s more, with powerful data analysis tools, you can track the evolution of your leads and opportunities, enabling you to make informed decisions to improve your sales performance.

With easy integration, task automation, a powerful data analysis tool, improved communication, quality training and support, customization to your needs and an all-in-one platform, Furious is THE solution for you!


Why do you need a commercial CRM?

A commercial CRM’s role is not limited to simple customer information management. It offers a complete view of all customer interactions, enabling sales teams to make informed decisions. Additionally, it automates a significant portion of daily tasks, allowing sales representatives to focus on what they do best: selling. In short, a commercial CRM enhances sales team efficiency and contributes to increased company profits.

Six Reasons a CRM is a Key Asset for Your Business

  • Improved Customer Relationship Management:  a CRM centralizes all information related to your customers, including contact details, purchase history, preferences, and interactions with your company. This allows your team to quickly understand the context of each customer and personalize their interactions, improving the customer experience and strengthening relationships.
  • Data Analysis: with a CRM, you can analyze sales trends, customer behavior, product performance, and more. These analyses can guide your marketing and sales efforts, identify growth opportunities, and detect problems before they become critical. Furious features a powerful data analysis tool that provides valuable insights into your sales pipeline. You can easily track the progress of your leads and opportunities and make informed decisions to improve your sales performance
  • Improved productivity: a CRM, such as Furious’s, can automate many repetitive tasks, such as sending follow-up e-mails, scheduling appointments, or updating customer information. This means your team can spend less time on administration and more time on sales and customer care. As Furious is also available on mobile, it enables your team to access crucial information and work efficiently, even on the move.
  • Improved collaboration: by having all customer information and interactions in one place, your company’s various departments (sales, marketing, production, etc.) can work together more harmoniously.This helps ensure that everyone has a complete and up-to-date view of each customer, avoiding misunderstandings or duplication of effort.Thanks to its user-friendly interface, Furious makes it easy to share information, schedule meetings, and keep track of all interactions with your customers.
  • More accurate forecasting: a good CRM will offer you reporting and forecasting tools that use your data to predict future sales, market trends, and more. With Furious, for example, plan projects in advance, anticipate schedules and equipment, set realistic sales targets and measure your performance against your objectives.
  • Marketing campaign management: CRMs can help you target and personalize your marketing efforts. For example, you can use CRM information to segment your customers into groups based on behavior, preferences or previous purchases, and then create personalized marketing campaigns for each segment. This can increase the effectiveness of your campaigns and improve return on investment. Thanks to its APIs, Furious integrates easily with other tools, enabling you to consolidate all your data in one place. No more juggling between different platforms to get the information you need. In short, a CRM is a powerful tool that can help your company manage and improve customer relationships, increase productivity, improve interdepartmental collaboration, make more accurate forecasts and optimize marketing efforts.

Discover Furious's commercial CRM

Furious integrates a complete and innovative CRM module natively to help you optimize your sales processes. Want to know more about our commercial management software?

In addition to the six essentials mentioned above, here are the advantages of Furious:

Training and Support We offer comprehensive training and responsive customer support. Whether you need help configuring your system or have questions about a specific feature, the Furious Squad is always ready to assist you.

Customizable One of the main advantages of Furious is its ability to be customized according to your specific needs. Whether you want to add custom fields, modify the user interface, or integrate other tools, our software gives you the flexibility to adapt the system to your requirements.

All-in-One Platform Last but not least, you have everything you need to manage your sales process in one place. From contact management to task automation, data analysis, and performance tracking, Furious offers a comprehensive platform for all your commercial CRM activities, and beyond, with other modules in the Furious ERP suite: Project & Team Management, Finance, HR, Asset Capitalization, etc.

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