
Facilitate customer follow-up (invoicing, estimates, time spent) – Ulysse

Can you introduce yourself, Nicolas?

I am Nicolas Daniels, founder of Ulysse Communication. Our agency, specializing in public relations, financial communication, LinkedIn, and corporate and editorial communication, has about ten consultants. We operate in various sectors, including finance, healthcare, and technology, and have approximately 25 to 26 recurring clients.

Do you face any major challenges in your business and sector?

In the field of public relations, a sector with few entry barriers, the quality of service is what sets us apart in a fragmented market with much competition. We focus on service quality to retain clients and attract new prospects mainly through word of mouth.

How do you manage your pre-sales?

We don’t really use the term “pre-sales.” Our clients and prospects come to us primarily through word of mouth and reputation. For major tenders, we rigorously prepare and present our skills and results. Our commercial approach relies more on the quality of our work than on active prospecting.

What were your issues before using Furious?

Before Furious, we had difficulties tracking our clients in terms of billing, managing quotes, and monitoring the time spent on each client. We were more or less in the dark regarding project profitability.

Has Furious helped you with client follow-up?

Yes, Furious has helped us track the time spent on each client and assess profitability. We have been able to use this data for pricing negotiations with clients and, in some cases, to decide not to renew unprofitable contracts.

Do you track specific KPIs on Furious?

We track the time spent on clients, comparing it with billing. Furious also provides tools to compare real-time spent time with billing. Additionally, we use Furious to monitor unpaid invoices and payment delays, which is very useful for our management.

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