
Why is CRM essential for IT services companies?

Do you manage an IT services company? If so, you’re likely seeking effective solutions to help your business grow. Beyond having a well-defined communication strategy, managing resources and delivering quality services to your clients are crucial.

To achieve these goals, mastering your data and fostering collaborative work are essential. A powerful tool, such as CRM software, can greatly assist you in reaching these objectives.


What is a CRM?

A CRM, or Customer Relationship Management, is software designed to improve interactions with your clients and prospects. It involves a specific organization of work aimed at centralizing and structuring customer-related information.

Used by sales, marketing, and support teams, this management software enables tracking, managing, and analyzing customer interactions and data throughout their journey with the company. By providing a comprehensive and integrated view, a CRM helps to enhance business relationships, boost sales, and strengthen customer loyalty.

Like many businesses, IT services companies operate in a highly competitive environment. To stand out, they must excel in managing their client relationships. In this context, using a CRM emerges as a crucial strategic solution.

What are the benefits of using a CRM?

Improvement in customer relationship management

Customer relationship management is at the core of IT services companies’ activities. As service providers, these companies must not only attract new clients but also retain existing ones.

With a CRM solution, every interaction with a client is recorded and accessible to the entire team, providing a complete and accurate overview of each client’s needs and preferences. This leads to more personalized customer service and, consequently, better customer satisfaction.

Michael Illouz - CEO de Conceptory

Grâce à Furious, on gagne en temps et en rentabilité sur la gestion des projets. On peut mieux maîtriser nos TJM et corriger rapidement le tir en fonction des besoins des clients. Cela nous permet également de présenter des métriques claires et convaincantes à nos clients.

Optimization of the sales process

The sales process in an IT services company (SSII) can be long and complex. A CRM enables tracking each stage of the sales cycle, from prospecting to contract signing. By automating certain tasks, such as sending follow-ups or updating information, a CRM frees up time for salespeople, allowing them to focus on higher-value activities.

Moreover, a CRM tool offers real-time visibility into the progress of business opportunities, enabling managers to make informed decisions and adjust sales strategies accordingly.

customer file view on furious

Enhancing Internal Collaboration

IT projects often involve multiple teams and departments. A CRM facilitates collaboration by centralizing all relevant information and allowing each team member to access the necessary data at any time.

This reduces the risk of duplication of efforts and errors, while increasing operational efficiency. For example, sales, marketing, and support teams can work in sync, having access to the same information and coordinating their actions to achieve common goals.

Advanced analysis and reporting

A CRM offers powerful analysis and reporting tools that allow IT services companies to measure and evaluate their performance. By generating detailed reports on sales, marketing, customer support, and other aspects of the business, a CRM provides valuable insights for process optimization and strategic decision-making.

Amaury Bataille - Groupe Ceetadel General Manager

We wouldn't be able to steer our business today as finely as we could if we didn't have a tool like Furious.

These reports can reveal trends, identify growth opportunities, or highlight areas needing improvement. With reliable and up-to-date data, IT services companies can adapt their strategies to better meet the specific needs of the market and their clients.

Project and resource management

IT services companies often manage complex projects that require rigorous planning and efficient resource allocation. A CRM can be integrated with project management tools to track project progress, manage budgets, and allocate resources optimally.

Through this integration, IT services companies can have an overview of all their projects, allowing them to better anticipate needs, optimize resource usage, and ensure project delivery within the specified timeframes and budgets.

overview of furious projects

A CRM has become an indispensable tool for IT services companies, offering a multitude of benefits ranging from improved client relationship management to optimized internal processes. By centralizing information, automating repetitive tasks, and providing advanced analytics, a CRM enables IT services companies to become more efficient, better meet client expectations, and stand out in a constantly evolving market.

As you can see, for IT services companies, choosing a good CRM tool is not just an option but a necessity to ensure their growth and long-term sustainability.

Caroline Vignand-Olivier - Directrice associée de Pop for you

Utiliser Furious me fait gagner environ 5 heures par semaine. On est beaucoup plus dans l’anticipation, notamment sur la planification des ressources.

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