
Better staffing and agency organization – Pop for you

When it comes to project management and resource optimization, the experience of Pop for you is eloquent testimony to the power of the right tools. Headed by Caroline Vignand Olivier, this agency, an integral part of the Human Skills group, has undergone a remarkable transformation thanks to Furious.

Can you introduce Caroline?

I’m Caroline Vignand Olivier, founder and CEO of Pop for you. Today, our agency is part of the Human Skills group. We are a team of around fifteen people within the agency, and we have the particularity of also drawing on the group’s 500 experts, spread across the group’s various brands.

How long have you been using Furious?

We’ve been using Furious since 2021, two years ago.

And before Furious?

Before adopting Furious, we were using several tools. However, we didn’t really use many of them, and using more than one led to a rapid abandonment of each one. In short, we were flying a bit by sight.

What problem did Furious solve?

The main problem we faced was managing the time spent per project, which had a direct impact on profitability management. Our estimates of the time spent on each project were very approximate. Since we started using Furious, this problem has largely been solved.

Your favorite Furious feature?

Planning management is crucial for us. But the feature I particularly appreciate is the “sales pipe”, in particular the ability to probabilize easily and to have an overview of the evolution of the project’s life.

How much time does Furious save you?

I’d say Furious saves us about 5 hours a week.

Which feature would you like to see?

I don’t think I’m yet using all the features offered by Furious to their full potential. I’d like to be able to increase my skills and be accompanied by Furious experts in this area. For the moment, I don’t see anything lacking in terms of running the agency.

Has Furious changed your daily life?

Yes, absolutely. We are now much more proactive, especially when it comes to resource planning. We have better staffing, which has considerably changed the way we work.

Pour finir, ta killing feature indispensable ?

Managing team schedules is essential for us. In fact, everything that Furious offers is indispensable to our agency.

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