
A Better Visibility on Production Figures and Financial Statements – Insign

The world of communication agencies is constantly evolving with growing challenges and changing needs. Matthieu Didailler, CFO of Insign, a strategic and operational consulting agency based in Lyon, Paris, Tournon, Dakar, and Los Angeles, shares how the Furious tool has transformed their approach to financial management.

Can you introduce yourself, Matthieu?

I am the CFO of Insign, a strategic and operational consulting group located in Lyon, Paris, Tournon, Dakar, and Los Angeles.

What are your main challenges at Insign?

The major challenges we face today are moving away from the tender offer model. We come from the world of communication agencies and are increasingly leaning towards consulting because the tender offer model is becoming outdated. It limits freedom with strong competition and negotiated prices going down. Work requested upfront is ultimately paid one out of three times, which is no longer acceptable.

What tools did you use before Furious?

Before, we used a more financially-oriented tool without mentioning the brand. It was a tool focused on management capital and business tracking, but it was misaligned with our profession. What pushed us towards Furious was that the tool was adapted to our experts and our various professions.

The main advantage of Furious for you?

The main advantage of Furious is that it is first and foremost profession-oriented versus a financial tool. A figure only lives if it is shared and enriched by all actors in the chain. As a financial officer, nothing is worse than a figure that does not live. The more actors share this figure and have a consensus around it, the better we anticipate.

What has changed since the integration of Furious?

Since the integration of Furious, our closing process has become contemporary. We can read our production figures almost daily, and we finalize our results on the last day of the month. Before, we had to wait until D+2, D+5, or even D+10. Furious allows us to project forward, plan, and anticipate.

To conclude, your indispensable killing feature?

The indispensable killing feature is the number of planned days in the month. This allows us to see where we stand in relation to the set objectives in terms of forecasts. It helps us anticipate topics, accelerate client starts, and better plan.

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