
Quickly identify profitable projects and customers – Adveris

In brief

  • Annual growth: +15 to 20% per year thanks to optimized management.
  • Centralization: 3 tools reduced to 1, with Furious.
  • Profitability tracking: Immediate visualization of projects running over time and over budget.
  • KPI management: key indicators tracked in real time (critical projects, occupancy rates, profitability).

Can you introduce yourselves, Alexandre and Claire?

I’m Alexandre, one of the founders of Adveris. I was responsible for setting up Furious within the agency. And I’m Claire de Savignac, Production Manager at Adveris, in charge of scheduling.

Can you tell us about Adveris?

Adveris is a digital agency founded in 2009, employing over sixty people. We have teams dedicated to UX, design, front and back-end development, as well as digital marketing. We cover all aspects of digital for our customers.

How are you organized within Adveris?

I’m in charge of the 10-strong team of project managers. When a project is signed, it is created in Furious, where we start allocating time and working on it.

Do you have any major challenges in your company or sector?

Our industry is highly competitive, with a complex business model. A major challenge is to monitor our projects to ensure that we meet deadlines and remain in a profitable zone. We also have to manage schedules and optimize staff occupancy rates.

Do scheduling or customer delays have an impact on you?

We are flexible enough to readjust schedules and compensate for delays. We manage these adjustments on a daily basis to maintain a balance between profitability and employee well-being.

How has Furious helped you with all your issues?

Furious helps us to quickly identify projects that may be going off course, and to take corrective action. This allows us to better manage profitability and project follow-up.

Has Furious helped you identify the most profitable customers in your business?

Yes, we discovered that some customers had several projects on the run, which made us think about the continuity of our work with them. Furious gives us a global view of profitability, customer by customer.

Do you track specific KPI's on Furious?

We regularly monitor several KPI’s, including the number of critical projects, team occupancy rates, overall project profitability, and unpaid invoices.

Saving time: before / after Furious

The implementation of Furious has eliminated the need for double time entry, which has been a considerable time-saver for the team. We can now merge planning management and project tracking.

How many tools did you use when you joined Furious?

We’ve gone from two to one main tool with Furious! We’ve replaced three different tools: a scheduling tool, our old intranet for tracking hours, and our invoicing tool. We also plan to replace other tools such as our CRM and quotation creation tool.

Has Furious helped Adveris become more fluid?

At present, we’re not using Furious optimally to enhance team fluidity. We’re open to exploring best practices to leverage Furious further in this direction.

Project management: before and after Furious

Furious has enabled us to anticipate project slippages, rather than seeing them after the fact. We now have better management of human resources and the ability to gamify work, by identifying where we are in terms of budget and schedule for each project.

What's really Furious about Furious?

For me, what’s really “Furious” about Furious is its ability to project and anticipate situations, whether negative or positive. The ability to create customized dashboards with key indicators is also a much-appreciated feature.

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