
How can we think differently about imputations?

When you were small, your approach to business was simple:
  • bartering: “I’ll give you my pom’pote if you give me your Pokémon Vpowermax card (or your Panini Platini sticker for the less young)”
  • the vendor: “hello madam, that will be 9 euros per kilo of (plastic) mandarins”
Then you grew up, founded your own communications agency, consulting firm or ESN, and you find yourself selling intelligence and time spent. In short, immaterial to be valued, quantified and monitored. We are far from mandarins… In all service companies, time spent is money. And planning is a major challenge. This time spent is measured by the employees’ allocations. The latter are generally not fan-fans and regularly forget to do it on time. Not because they have ‘time’ to hide, but because it’s clearly not their priority. No matter how much you beg, grumble, threaten, reward, nothing can be done, they stick with it for 2 weeks and soon realise they are still missing. But how can we think differently about the allocation of staff, so that everyone can see eye-to-eye?

Redefining Accounting Allocation: Why and How?

Accounting allocation is much more than just a line in your company’s books; it is a precise reflection of your financial operations. Redefining accounting allocation allows you to optimize the management of your finances by clarifying each transaction. This involves understanding its nature and recording each operation with accuracy and consistency.

What is the true essence of accounting allocation?

At the heart of accounting allocation is the need to classify each financial transaction. This classification must be done according to a precise nomenclature, often dictated by the general chart of accounts. Each allocation is a story told in numbers, revealing the nature of each expense or income, whether it is a capital expenditure or a simple supply.

Who should perform an accounting allocation and why?

Every finance professional – whether an in-house accountant, public sector accountant, or working for a firm – must master the art of accounting allocation. Why? Because it is the foundation of reliable accounting. Each allocation justifies the use of funds and helps prevent errors that could affect the balance sheet and income statement.

How to perform an accounting allocation

To perform an accounting allocation effectively, follow these structured steps:

Example of an accounting allocation exercise

Imagine yourself in front of your screen, with accounting software open and ready to enter a transaction. Here’s how you might proceed:

This example shows how current software simplifies procedures that previously required manual use of “stamp papers”. Each step is smooth, logical, and enhances the efficiency and accuracy of your accounting work.

Essential Steps for Accurate Accounting Allocation

An accurate accounting allocation is the backbone of reliable accounting. To ensure that each entry faithfully reflects your company’s financial reality, follow these crucial steps:

By following these steps, you enhance the accuracy and integrity of your accounting, thereby ensuring a true picture of your company’s financial health.

Centralize and Automate Your Accounting for Increased Efficiency

Centralise and automate with Furious

The Furious promise – from operational staff to senior management – is to save time by automating recurring tasks so that experts can focus on their expertise. But allocating is not an expertise. It is sh***.
So why not automate the allocations? And no sooner said than done! In Furious, the planning is centralised and the AI automates:all that is required is to validate!
It is even possible to pre-staff resources in the pre-sales phase, when a quote is created. If it is validated, it becomes a project and the schedule is already prepared. Every morning, Paulo from creation receives a little email or slack informing him of the project(s) he is staffed on for the day… And in the evening, he receives another one asking him to validate his times in one click, or to correct them if necessary.

Benefits of Centralizing Accounting Data

Adopting a centralized approach to managing your accounting data offers multiple benefits, including:

Automated Accounting Allocation: Toward a New Era of Accounting

Automating accounting allocation paves the way for a new era in the accounting profession:

From Theory to Practice: Allocating Different Classes of the PCG

Applying the General Chart of Accounts (PCG) in accounting allocation practice requires a deep understanding of the different classes:

Mastering these allocations is fundamental for precise and reliable accounting, and with tools like Furious, this process is no longer a chore but an integrated and smooth part of daily operations.

Planning for Better Management: The Importance of Financial Forecasting

Power lies in anticipation

Through this system that anticipates the planning, it is possible to extract data on the availability of teams or skills over several weeks or months… And the biggest benefit is in the anticipation of the project’s profitability… because we don’t teach you anything: a well-planned project is a project that has a much better chance of being profitable! Furious goes even further with predictive alerts! If the time spent on a project starts to overflow, the managers and eventually the project supervisors receive an alert. In the same way, Manu -aka the PC who loves to eat all the time– will not be able to add time without consistency, an alert will inform him that it is not possible/unprofitable! Well, as one of our clients quite rightly told us: with Furious, it is impossible to lose money, without Furious having warned you first!

How Financial Forecasting Shapes Accounting Allocation?

Financial forecasting is a crucial component in the accounting allocation process. Here’s how it shapes it:

Mastering Accounting Allocation Documents and Templates

Accounting relies on clear and precise documentation. Here’s how to decode the essential elements:

Accounting Allocation: Decoding Key Documents and Templates

Synonyms and Variants of Accounting Allocation: Exploring Terminological Nuances

Each term has its importance and specificity in the accounting process. Mastering their meaning and application is essential for correct and effective accounting allocation.

Accounting allocation is much more than a simple numerical entry; it is a fundamental act that ensures precision and compliance in the entire financial management of a company. In the digital age, tools like Furious offer unprecedented optimization by centralizing and automating these operations, freeing up time for more strategic analysis and enhanced financial forecasting.

By mastering the art of accounting allocation, you are not just following rules – you are creating a solid foundation for a successful business with full control over its financial data. Embrace these innovative processes to transform your accounting obligations into strategic assets.

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