
your production

and retain your clients

Optimize the experienceof your clients, employees, and candidates with Furious.

Ensure integrated quality management through comprehensive real-time data control, enabling proactive anticipation of needs and better resource allocation.


A tool designed to retain clients and employees .

More efficient and quality-driven management of operations, supported by powerful automations. Ensure quality tracking and controlled profitability at every stage of the pipeline.

Continuous evaluations of clients and teams

Automatically collect feedback on each project for constant improvement.

Satisfaction dashboards

Quickly visualize the evolution of client and employee satisfaction with intuitive dashboards and charts.

Optimized and anticipative planning

Manage expectations and resources efficiently to avoid overloads and improve client and talent retention.

Monitored production quality

Integrate client feedback directly into Furious and quickly adjust teams based on quality needs.

Post-project follow-up

Engage in follow-up actions to maintain quality and satisfaction after project delivery.

What the
quality module enables

01 Seamless recruitment

Enhance the recruitment experience with streamlined processes that strengthen team quality and candidate satisfaction.

Anticipate workloads and plan projects accurately to maintain optimal balance.

Choose to work with clients who value quality and are easy to manage, thereby strengthening relationships and overall performance.

Integrate quality controls at all stages, from planning to delivery, to ensure satisfaction and adherence to high standards.

Benefit from a tool that adapts and evolves to meet the changing quality demands of the industry and clients.


Our clients
speak about


Shirley Jagle
Manager, Digital Village Bordeaux

Furious has saved us 30% time on the project manager's jobs and relieved the team's workload thanks to improved visibility.

Matthieu Didailler
CFO, Insign

We're able to read our production figures on an almost daily basis, and we don't stop our results on the last day of the month, which clearly makes a difference compared with a tool that stops the figures on D+10.

Alexandre Ayme
CEO, Adveris Agency

With Furious Squad, we track the number of critical projects and the occupancy rate of our teams to ensure that they are not under-staffed. This helps us optimize the overall profitability of our projects.

A myriad of integrations & automations available








Are you wondering ?

Does Furious handle
multi-entity management?

Furious manages multi-entity operations, supporting VAT, currencies, business units, offices and all intercontract issues. Centralize and simplify your entity management with Furious.


How do I measure the time spent on my projects?

Whatever your organization, Furious offers tools to automate time planning, track hours spent and predict the impact on the profitability of your projects.


Is my project profitable?

Do you take into account the time spent on pre-sales? Project management? Purchases? With Furious, you get a complete analysis of your projects’ profitability in real time, enabling you to adjust your strategies before incurring losses.


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with an expert

We have many more surprises
for you, let’s talk about it!

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