
Best practices in fixed price project management

Our article “You are underwater and yet your fixed-price project is not cost-effective?” gave you some tips on how to optimise your profitability.

Today we are going to help you adopt the best practices of fixed price project management.

To run a fixed price project, you must manage:

One of the three points can be adjusted but never to the detriment of the other parameters. This implicit law is well known to experienced project managers.

So far so good, but behind the theory a hard practice lies: the assessment of budget, scope and planning in a dynamic way as the project progresses.

In general, this is where it starts to get stuck.

You will need to avoid getting bogged down in endless management committee meetings, which as such can account for almost half of the sold time of some projects…

What are the best practices

in fixed price project management?

We’ll share our tips with you, but first…

The features of fixed price project management

Fixed price projects are a mode of service delivery where the client and the provider agree on a fixed price for a specific project, regardless of the time or resources required. The main characteristics of fixed price contracts are as follows:

A fixed price project operates as follows:

Fixed price projects are suitable for projects with stable and well-defined requirements in advance, offering significant budget predictability for the client.

The 4 types of fixed pricing

There are generally four types of fixed price contracts:

These contract types offer different levels of risk and reward for both the buyer and the seller, providing flexibility to accommodate various project needs and circumstances.

The difference between T&M and fixed-price

Time and Materials (T&M) contracts and fixed-price contracts are two common types of contractual arrangements used in project management. Here are the key differences between them:

Overall, the choice between a Time and Materials contract and a fixed price contract depends on factors such as the project’s scope, complexity, level of uncertainty, and the client’s preference for cost control and flexibility.

Fixed price project management: the right questions to ask

First of all, are you able to answer these few questions about the last projects you have carried out (if you answer “yes” to all the questions then you are a MASTER PROJECT LEADER AMBASSADOR WARRIOR).

So far you have escaped the trade vs. production war #bravo

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The challenge for you is to always be aligned with these 4 criteria and to share them with your client weekly. This enables you to anticipate any possible readjustment of the schedule / scope or budget. 😉

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